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Strategic Procurement

The objective of the Chief Directorate: Strategic Procurement is to manage the development and provision of strategic procurement services to improve the performance and efficiency of the state procurement system including value for money and leveraged benefits in all three spheres of government. 

This includes:
  1. Oversee and manage the design, development, and maintenance of a strategic procurement and commodities research framework including, national guidelines, processes, and standards for strategic procurement;
  2. Influence and monitor the establishment of a strategic procurement regulatory environment that responds to policy goals and government objectives;
  3. Guide and assist government institutions with the design and development of sourcing strategies for: 
    1. government department-specific products and services 
    2. universal products and services across government spheres
  4. Oversee and manage the achievement of value for money and leveraging of benefits for strategic procurement
The Strategic Procurement Framework, Methodology, and Good Practice Guides can be accessed on the link provided.

Any queries and comments on the Strategic Procurement Framework, Methodology, and Good Practice Guides can be directed to

Note:  Comments on the eSPF will be welcome at any time.  The Chief Directorate will use the comments received to conduct an annual revision of the documents.

File to Download: Presentation (70mb)